Greg Holman


Greg Holman has held the primary role over the past 25 years or so of an architectural project manager and now Principal Architect of his own Architectural and Interior Design firm helmed by himself and his wife Missy. Through the years he has seen times of success and struggle as an entrepreneur and businessman but has always seen the hand of God lead them through to the other side. He has had many opportunities to lead teams of designers and engineers in large projects, and times to mentor individual students or young professionals as they look to their future and develop their own place in the industry.

More recently he has embarked on the God Talks journey to seek God in leading him, his family and his business deeper into the pocket of where he was created and set aside to be and how to utilize the talents and giftings that God has given to him and his wife in greater ways to bless others and to grow the Kingdom of God. As an avid bass player for the past 20+ years, Greg understands a little bit about what it feels like to be “in the pocket”. Understanding his role in a band, or in a company, or as a mentor, Greg knows that spot where you fall into the groove and feel the pleasure of God moving through your work, your conversations, or the synergy of a great set of music played with a band that just clicks. He would love to be that mentor for you and to journey along with you to find ways to hear the voice and divine wisdom of God better and find your way to that spot where everything flows, and the struggle falls into a rhythm and your place in this life seems to fit exactly where God wants you to be as you live the life planned for you by the Creator of the Universe from before the foundations of the world.