DEADLINE: Friday, Feb 7th at MIDNIGHT!
Get Your Seat Now!
Revolutionary LIVE Workshop
Shows You...
How to Escape the Old "Hustle and Grind" Way of Working And RE-Train Your Brain About Work
...So You Can Position Yourself and Your Business for Maximum Profit During the Coming "Wisdom Economy" "For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matt. 11:28-30

God Talks LIVE Digital Event

February 8th, 2025
Location: Online
From the desk of Ed Rush...
An Insidious Lie Has Taken Over the Business Space.
You've probably heard it before.
That lie promises you that if you just...
- work harder
- wake up earlier
- be more productive
- be better at "time management"
But what if there was a more effective way?
- A way that's congruent with the Gospel of Matthew, when Jesus says, "For my yoke is easy and my burden is light"...
- A way to speed towards exceeding your wildest goals (without going through the endless struggle and grind)?
- A way where you LOVE work...AND you have abundant free time to spend time with family and to travel.
It would change everything in your business right now.
And that’s why I’m hosting the Easy and Light event this February 8th…
So we can change the “mental software” you’re currently using to run your business and your life, and ditch the endless “grind” while making even FASTER progress towards wealth and joy?

At the event...

Here's What You'll Learn During This Immersive Event…
Easy and Light
Break Through the "Grind," become wildly purposeful & productive, and even finish your workday by Noon.
Here's a little nugget: God's Wisdom is ALWAYS simple to implement. When you receive actual Divine Wisdom, you'll always say, "Wow, that's so easy…why didn't I think of that!?"
And while most events leave you with more homework & stress, you'll leave this event with the feeling that you've left behind a backpack that weighed a ton.
You'll know what steps to take to get exponential results with your business.
And when you know what the most important tasks are to get to the next level...
You could work half your current workday, and still increase your income. (I can't guarantee it'll happen... But it's what we've seen among several attendees.)
Truth be told, the "old" approach of grinding in business often leaves you in adrenal failure and financial frustration.
But you were made for more!
That's why, in the Easy and Light event, you'll discover a different way of looking at life and business. And when you do, it'll feel as if you were myopic during all your business years, and all of a sudden you get a fresh new pair of glasses on.
You'll never go back to the old "hustle and grind" approach (unless you really want to, which I doubt you do!).
Attracting Abundance
How to Magnetically Attract and Unlock Your God-Given Wealth
Are you ready for a big idea? One of the main keys of "Easy & Light" is to "Receive" instead of "Run."
"Attracting" Abundance is sticking your hands out and RECEIVE everything God is sending you.
(Of course, you'll still have to work... But the work will feel like playing a video game you like instead of numbing your mind with endless tasks.)
Listen: GOD is abundant. And He made you in His image, so you are abundant too. But too many well-meaning people spend their days pushing away what God is sending them.
"Attracting Abundance" is a LIVE exercise designed to remove old beliefs so you can receive everything God has for you (it's a lot).
So by the end of this module, you'll remove limiting beliefs that may be preventing new opportunities from entering your life.
The Wisdom Economy
How to Position Yourself for Maximum Profit during the Coming "Wisdom Economy."
The 1990s ushered in the Product Economy.
2010 the "Expert Economy."
But now, with the combination of Amazon and AI, both are obsolete. There are 14 billion videos on YouTube (free information) and 353 million products on Amazon (cheap information).
How are you supposed to compete against that?
Answer: you're not. That's because your goal isn't to compete at all. Your goal is to magnetically attract your perfect customers because you have something that none of the experts have: WISDOM.
When you operate at the top of the Wisdom Pyramid, you're able to sell your products & services with more ease, because your prospects see that your products are so different from what the rest of the market is selling. And the joy of your work will return because you'll work on your terms and change the world.
The result?
More money.
Less work.

Open Q&A and Interaction
Get Your Questions Answered and Get Coaching on the Spot!
One of the things I love about our events is the interaction and questions. Not only does it improve the content, but it also gives you the chance to share your vision with our community.
Plus, we have a LOT of fun in this session.
Depending on how you make money, just ONE new client, product sale, or deal could pay for your entire event (and then some)! You'll get to meet and get to know some of the best entrepreneurs on the planet. So while the rest of your competition is sitting at home watching re-runs of The Jersey Shore, you'll be making connections that can change your life and business.

Hear from Previous Event Attendees
Our attendees come from all walks of life, from countries around the world, and have every kind of business imaginable. The ONE thing they do have in common is a desire to share their message and help more people. of the reasons to come to an event like this is to connect with other like-minded business owners. Deals get made at these events. Big deals. So, if you're abundance-minded, this is your place.

Our guest speaker has been HAND-SELECTED for both her business acumen as well as her ability to hear from God.

After searching relentlessly for 20 years for answers to her excruciating back and neck pain, Beth found her answer in a 10-minute doctor’s office visit where she was told she had the back of an 85-year-old woman, 3 herniated discs, and needed surgery.
After coming out of shock, she heard a Voice whisper “You have a choice.”
She choose to not have surgery. Then she immersed herself into understanding the power of how our emotions affect our body.
(Disclaimer: This isn’t medical advice…it’s a story! This was Beth's decision, and her/our teachings are NOT a replacement for medical advice. So consult your doctor. Or don’t. Either way, this true story should not be confused with medical advice.)
10 years later, she’s completely healed and now she’s helping others experience physical, relational, and spiritual wholeness.
Beth carries a powerful presence of overflowing joy and love.
You’re going to LOVE these sessions!

Join Ed Rush for Destiny-Changing Days!
Here's Why You Should Attend Now...
On January 3rd, 2025, I hosted an event called "2025 Predictions". I invited a few experts, and we made a few informed guesses as to what could happen this year in business, politics, AI, and other topics.
The event filled up the day I announced it.
Zoom literally didn't allow me to have more people join... And I had to issue an apology to the people who registered and couldn't get in (event though I warned them that this would happen).
Anyway, I'm telling you this not to brag, but to tell you that my events are exploding lately, and this message is getting a lot of traction.
And at the Easy and Light event, you will get the opportunity for some personal attention and coaching from me or my team. We'll be there the entire time. We will even set aside special time on some breaks to help you. That doesn't always happen at my events and I can’t guarantee we’ll be able to help everyone, but then again this one is different. And you are important to me...
But at the rate these events are filling up, I'm not sure for how long I'll be able to provide such tailored advice and offer my team's help to you.
So act now while we’re still (kinda) small, and get your business questions answered.

The investment is an absolute deal. With the mindset shifts you're getting, the tailored attention me and my team are giving you, and the new connections you can make, I could triple the price and it'd STILL be a good investment. It'd still be worth it. BUT I believe in you and I want you to attend no matter what.
So enroll now.
You will be happy that you did.
P.S. You don't have to have any particular religious belief system in place to make this event work for you. Heck, you don't even need to believe that these "God Talks" will work to make God Talks work. I've seen this work for everyone, including Buddhists and Hindus and Christians and Muslims and Atheists and Skeptics and people who don't know what to believe but pretend to anyway.
I've been using God Talks now for over ten years-and let me just say from experience-God's voice is always Kind. His voice sounds like Love.
Because it is.
P.P.S. "Life-Changing Event" doesn't even come close to what you are about to experience.
P.P.P.S. We are growing FAST. We expect to sell out. This event venue is only so big, so once we are sold out, we'll shift to the waiting list.
Listen: You don't want to miss this event. We are not selling a recording or a livestream, so be sure to attend live and in person.

One Payment of $497.00
You get...
One Payment of $497
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
- An experienced business owner who's been in business for years or decades, but feels like he/she overworking themselves, taking on roles he could easily delegate.
- A new or aspiring entrepreneur who's looking to "start business off right", by focusing on the tasks that'll help him bring in revenue and grow.
- Someone in a support role as a career person, spouse, or business partner to a business owner or entrepreneur.
The event runs 10-7 Pacific Time on Saturday, February 8th.
11-8 MT
Noon-9 CT
1 pm-10 pm ET
6pm-3am GMT (pajama party!)
First, DREAM BIG. Seriously, you're about to find a gear you never knew you had.
Second, get a good night's sleep the night before. This event will be packed and you're going to want to get it all!
Third, if you have the chance the week of the event to get away (even for an hour), do that. Take some time alone with a journal and set your intention that this week is going to be THE week you finally breakthrough business issues & past regrets and finally know what to do with your business moving forward
The Zoom link is unique, so only one device per link.
You may have a spouse, partner, or team member watch it with you on your device. If they are watching on their own device, then have them enroll separately.
Each business should enroll & pay independently, so please do not share your link with anyone.
There will be several breaks during the training and one 1-hour lunch break. Just make sure you come back in time so you don't miss out on any of our giveaways!
Yes! One of the benefits of the interactive platform is that you can access Ed and his team LIVE. That way you can ask your questions, get feedback on your exercises, and more.
Plus, there is a dedicated Q&A segment at the end of the day
You should expect to hear from God about the following topics: Yourself, Money, Purpose, and Business.
You should expect to rewire your brain for success.
You should expect to leave more purposeful, more fearless, and more prosperous.
(See the testimonials on this page to see what some people experienced.)
Having said that, the results are really up to you. Someone who misses the sessions will also miss the results. If they are on Facebook at the same time we're doing an exercise, they'll gain nothing.
- So block your calendar.
- Show up early.
- Stay late.
- Dial it in.
- Focus.
Your destiny is worth it.
15 years ago, I (this is me, Ed) thought God didn't talk to people personally. Then He blew my doors off and I have never been the same since.
Since then, I have had people from all walks of life and belief systems talk with God at my events. (Hint: I have even had atheists talk to God…I know…I know it sounds crazy, but they did.)
But you don't have to take my word for it. Or theirs. Just come to the event and give it a shot.
This event is 100% about using your business to change your life and the world. Every exercise and discussion is deigned to show you how to make more money with less stress.
You will leave this event with a plan to grow your business while having more fun.
This event is designed as an immersive experience, so attend live. You'll be glad you did.
If you can't make it, please let my team know via email at , and we'll ask you to send back your event materials and refund you ASAP.
That said, since we are saving a seat for you, there will be no refunds once the event starts. It doesn't make sense for us to hold someone's seat to have them no-show when someone could have joined in their place.