Here’s the promise of the God Talks book in 28 words...
- You're going to learn how to ask God questions.
- You're going to get answers.
- And then you're going to use those answers to recode your life for success.
God Talks is a simple process that will show you how to instantly break through any obstacle and create abundance in your life. By the time you are done, you'll feel more energetic, more vibrant, and more alive. Your relationships will be better, stronger, and more meaningful. You will be
more focused and fearless.
And you’re going to reconnect with an old Friend.
You may have met him before.
His name is God.

ED RUSH is a fighter pilot and a card-carrying member of the Million Mistake Club. Despite failing kindergarten, Ed graduated from Top Gun. Despite typing like a chicken on amphetamines, Ed wrote several best-selling books.
Ed’s hobbies include hiking, golf, fly fishing, and writing his own bio in the third person. He lives in San Diego with his wife, four offspring, and a bearded dragon named Smaug. Oh... and sometime in the future, there’s bound to be a puppy because — as everyone knows — every great story has a puppy.
Ed’s superpower is showing entrepreneurs how to use their messages to change the world by creating more income And impact. His mission is to connect you with God and let Him do the rest because, frankly, He’s got this.
“Rarely has an author produced something so immediately relevant and profoundly important. God Talks shows you how to connect with Divine Intelligence and ignite your bold future. Reading God Talks is an investment that will launch your destiny, rewire your mind, and change the world. If you read one book this year, this is the one!”
Best Selling Author of Over 80 Books

God Talks is one of the most captivating and relevant approaches to connecting with God I’ve ever read. Ed’s energetic style and practical insights can play a pivotal role in your life and business. Read the book, join the movement, and then let’s change
the world together.”
#1 Best Selling Author
Powerful Quotes from GOD TALKS
The key to changing the world is to first change your words.
It’s time to get
the authentic
you back.
The first great truth of abundance is...
“We are made in His image.”
The most important thing about your future is how you deal with your past.
You can either be a creator or a critic. You can’t be both
Your purpose is essential to the world, which means it’s important to God.
“I’ve tried everything from meditation to manifestation and everything in between, so when I picked up, God Talks, I wasn't expecting to be blown away. But wow!!
This book is POWERFUL! Dogear the pages, take notes, and come back again and again. And do yourself a huge favor and listen to the guided audios that come with it.”
TV Host, As seen on Oprah

“Every hundred years, a book comes along that changes the world. This is that book. God Talks is a simple approach to adventuring in conversation with God. If you’ve never had a talk with God, this book will show you how to get started in as little as a day. If you’re a seasoned pro, God Talks will take you deeper into a greater understanding of God’s abundant love..”
Author & TV Host