Chuck Booth


God said every page of your life was written before you were ever born. I’m here to help you find and turn the page! Why? so you and God can be in sync. That’s the only way you can really MAX Out your purpose and calling in this life. That’s what a God Talks Coach does. Everything below is just filler to squeeze in 80 yrs of living and where I picked up a little wisdom here and there.
Native Houstonian with 3 grown children and 7 grandchildren. BA Oblate College,Pass Christian, MS: MRe St. Thomas University, Houston,TX: Graduated Charis Bible College, Colorado Springs, CO. With those credentials I became Director of Education for a large church school followed by 40 yrs in sales, sales management & training for several regional and national companies. For the past 14 yrs I have owned and operated my own service company while serving as a volunteer chaplain for city & county law enforcement.
So ready to open that book?