Larry Watkins
With a rich background in medical sales, having served as a sales consultant, sales trainer, and division manager for three leading medical companies in orthopedics, general surgery, and neurosurgery, I have dedicated my career to leadership and excellence. My passion for guiding others led me to launch a faith-based non-profit that trains people to know, reflect, and intentionally reproduce Christ in their lives. Through this work, I teach people how to walk with God for a lifetime, helping them become bold godly leaders who are unashamed of the testimony of our Lord, lead courageously, and grow as effective spouses and strategic parents.
My mission is to equip and empower m/w to grow their businesses while using both their personal and professional lives as vehicles to finish the Great Commission.
I have been blessed with 38 years of marriage, three wonderful children, and five beautiful grandchildren. My joy comes from working with people to help them discover their true identity, grow in maturity, and become skilled, strong, and effective leaders. Outside of work, I enjoy playing golf, fishing, and traveling.
In these critical times, I am looking for m/w who desire to walk with God for a lifetime, who are bold and unashamed, and who are eager to hear from God about how they can better love Christ and love like Christ.